This is Phoebe my greatest teacher in all things to do with horses, patience and the simple art of non-requiring. It has been a priceless, humbling and often magical experience so far. At times I thought we'd never make that graceful connection I dreamed about and at other times I thought I'd found heaven on earth. Such is the way of the horse with their human until the true secret of companionship is discovered.
For it is was only when we're able to stop requiring that the horse will truly give you her heart. Finding true heart connection with horses is my enduring passion. We've come so far and yet there is still so much further to go but the journey is fascinating, rewarding and marvelous in its gifts.
Because of this I teach people to find their deep heart connection with their horses and also to help them continue this ethic working initially at liberty then from the ground in-hand for the benefit of their horse, encouraging pride in his self-carriage, correct posture and for the development of powerful and meaningful movement. Mutual learning through play and exchange of both energy and the subtlest body language is vital for healthy two-way communication and trust as well as being fun for both the horse and his or her human friend.
I also offer communication sessions and subtle equine body balancing energy sessions, which horses love and which helps them to reconnect to their own healing and re-balance after injuries as well as for ongoing maintenance and support. The horse has a far more delicate constitution than we are generally aware of and their emotional state affects their well being in just the same way as our own emotions effect us and cause us to feel strong and healthy or weak and sick.
For it is was only when we're able to stop requiring that the horse will truly give you her heart. Finding true heart connection with horses is my enduring passion. We've come so far and yet there is still so much further to go but the journey is fascinating, rewarding and marvelous in its gifts.
Because of this I teach people to find their deep heart connection with their horses and also to help them continue this ethic working initially at liberty then from the ground in-hand for the benefit of their horse, encouraging pride in his self-carriage, correct posture and for the development of powerful and meaningful movement. Mutual learning through play and exchange of both energy and the subtlest body language is vital for healthy two-way communication and trust as well as being fun for both the horse and his or her human friend.
I also offer communication sessions and subtle equine body balancing energy sessions, which horses love and which helps them to reconnect to their own healing and re-balance after injuries as well as for ongoing maintenance and support. The horse has a far more delicate constitution than we are generally aware of and their emotional state affects their well being in just the same way as our own emotions effect us and cause us to feel strong and healthy or weak and sick.

Meditating with Phoebe is an experience there are no words for
but blissful in the extreme and a great privilege. While it requires no energy or thought, non requiring in itself is an art and to arrive at that stage for even a few minutes with a horse
is wonderful indeed. It is an ongoing learning process which we both appreciate.
If this inspires you to learn to communicate with your horse or other animals then contact Safaya and for more information and visit www.heartbasedhorsemanship.co.uk
Below is a selection of horses I've had the pleasure of knowing, loving and working with over the years