About Safaya
As a self taught artist and designer since the early 1970s I've drawn my inspiration almost exclusively from animal, bird and plant themes and I'm particularly attracted to the gentle and unlikely relationships between animals.
The Tender Tiger enjoying the flight of a dragonfly on the river bank was one of my first paintings now in a private collection and still a favourite with me. When selected to produce an image for the King of Hearts in the Friends of the Earth Transformation Playing Card Pack I chose to depict a gorilla in the devastated rain forest with a lone heart butterfly survivor. You can see him below. I am proud that this original tiny miniature raised among the top prices at auction for originals of the collection by a select group of fellow artists and supporting Friends of the Earth in their Art for the Earth project was a great previledge.

Illustrating Rudyard Kipling's 'Just So' Stories for the National Trust and a collection of 'Aesop's Fables' both for Pavilion Books gave me much scope to exercise light-hearted animal thoughts and signed editions of the two books as well as Magical Animals by Claire Namad also originally published by Pavilion are available through this website. Contact me personally if you'd like them signed for a particular person.
Photography and mixed media work draws on a wider field and has enabled me to explore and elaborate on the theme of reflections in life.
This in turn reflects my belief that echoes of ourselves and all the inhabitants of the universe are interlocked and inter-vibrate. We are able to tune in to other species by being open to these invisible vibrations. If you're interested in this aspect and how this works to help people through traumatic events and limiting beliefs when used with energy psychology have a look at my other professeional site here at www.mindbodywisdom.co.uk
Photography and mixed media work draws on a wider field and has enabled me to explore and elaborate on the theme of reflections in life.
This in turn reflects my belief that echoes of ourselves and all the inhabitants of the universe are interlocked and inter-vibrate. We are able to tune in to other species by being open to these invisible vibrations. If you're interested in this aspect and how this works to help people through traumatic events and limiting beliefs when used with energy psychology have a look at my other professeional site here at www.mindbodywisdom.co.uk
Bottom right: an 11' mural for a girl's bedroom, swans on a lake with lotus and dragonflies and a misty island in the distance